Our Mission:

We nurture World Citizens by facilitating learning that fosters respect, empathy, global awareness, civility, and 21st century competencies.

Certificate in Civility for World Citizen

Trainer Program - Certification Level 1

The “World Citizen” concept provides an opportunity for people all around the globe to expand their world view, become continuous learners, challenge perceptions, embrace cultural differences, and learn about how civility, humanity, service, and kindness can ensure that each of us, our families, friends, co-workers, communities, and neighbors around the world, can live and learn about each other and about the incredible world around us. The World Citizen Certificate Programs offer an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to exhibit and to teach competencies required to be a World Citizen. There are four levels of Certification for the Certificate in Civility for World Citizen, with this course being Level 1. At completion of the course, there will be an exam requirement and passing grade required as a pre-requisite for Levels 2 through to Master Certification.

World Citizen level 1 is a mandatory course for any participant wishing to progress into any level 2 stream and also counts towards pre-requisites for the Global World Trainer stream.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: Orientation to World Citizen Alliance - Civility for World Citizen - Trainer Level 1

    • How to use this course portal

    • Module 1: One World One Classroom

    • Module 1.2: About the World Citizen Alliance

    • FAQ about the World Citizen Programs

    • Module 1.3: Orientation

    • Module 1.4: We are all connected

    • Module 1.5: Mission and Goals

    • 2021 Dr. Lewena Bayer Bio GKE GTA

    • 2021 Jessie Lin Brown Bio with GKE GTA

    • Circle-of-Civility Illustration

    • World Citizen Programs General Glossary

    • Recommended Reading

    • E-workbook World Citizen Level 1 Modules 1-3

    • What is a World Citizen?

  • 2

    Module 2: Welcome to the World Citizen Course

    • Module 2: What is a World Citizen?

    • Module 2: World Citizen CORE Level 1 - What is a World Citizen?

    • Highlight: Ladybug Foundation Canada

    • Highlight: Solid Africa, Rwanda

    • Exercise: Examples of World Citizens

    • Components of World Citizen Training

    • World Citizen Core Competencies (Chinese)

    • World Citizen Core Competencies

    • World Citizen Core Competencies Assessment

    • Essential Skills

    • 21st Century Themes

    • Unesco Pillars

    • United Nations Goals

    • World Citizen Core Competencies Assessment Outcomes Explanation

    • World Citizen Learning Plan

  • 3

    Module 3: What is Civility?

    • Module 3: What is Civility

    • Module 3: World Citizen Core Level 1 - What is Civility?

    • Video: Civility: Commitment to Kindness

    • Module 3: World Citizen Core Level 1 - What is Civility? (continued)

    • Module 3: EXERCISE Civility Values

  • 4

    Module 4: 21st Century Themes

    • Module 4: World Citizen Core - Level 1 - 21st Century Themes

    • M7: 21st Century Themes - CORE SUBJECTS: Learning & Innovation

    • M7: 21st Century Themes - CORE SUBJECTS: Collaboration & Communication Skills

    • M7: 21st Century Themes - CORE SUBJECTS: Health & Environmental Literacy

    • M7: 21st Century Themes - CORE SUBJECTS: Social & Cross Cultural Skills

    • M7: 21st Century Themes - CORE SUBJECTS: Leadership & Social Skills

    • M7: 21st Century Themes - CORE SUBJECTS: Life & Career Skills

    • E-Workbook for Modules 4-6

    • 21st Century Learning

    • 21st Century Education: What should 21st century learning consist of?

    • 21st Century Leadership

    • 21st Century Life and Career Skill

  • 5

    Module 5: Trends & Influences

    • Module 5: World Citizen Core - Level 1 - Trends & Influences

    • The 10 Biggest Business Trends For 2021

    • Trend Hunter’s Megatrends Report | 2020-2025

  • 6

    Module 6: Assessing your Skills

    • Module 6: World Citizen Core - Level 1 - Assessing your Skills

    • World Citizen Core Competencies Assessment

    • Assessment outcomes explanation

    • Module 6: Resources

    • Multiple Intelligence Test in Chinese

    • Multiple Intelligence

    • The Nine Essential Skills

  • 7

    Module 7: Ready to Use Lessons

    • Module 7: World Citizen Core - Level 1 - Ready to use Lessons

    • Take Away Lesson 7.1 - Human Rights & Being Human

    • Take Away Lesson 7.1 - Human Rights & Being Human - Handouts & Links

    • Take Away Lesson 7.2 - Entrepreneurship Mindset

    • Take Away Lesson 7.2 - Entrepreneurship Mindset - Handouts & Links

    • Take Away Lesson 7.3 - Social Rules & Norms

    • Take Away Lesson 7.3 - Social Rules & Norms - Handouts & Links

    • Take Away Lesson 7.4 - The World Today

    • Take Away Lesson 7.4 - The World Today - Handouts & Links

    • Take Away Lesson 7.5 Leadership Essentials

    • Take Away Lesson 7.5 - Leadership Essentials - Handouts & Links

    • Take Away Bonus Lesson: Leadership in the Age of AI

    • Take Away Bonus Lesson: Leadership in the Age of AI: HANDOUT

    • VIDEO: World Citizen Take-away Lesson 1 BEING HUMAN

    • World Citizen Take-away Lesson 1 BEING HUMAN

    • Take away Lesson 1 Being Human HANDOUT

    • VIDEO: World Citizen Core Level 1 Take-away Lesson 2 Entrepreneur Mindset

    • World Citizen Core Level 1 Take-away Lesson 2 Entrepreneur Mindset HANDOUT

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 2 ENTREPRENEUR MINDSET

    • VIDEO: World Citizen Core Level 1 Take-away Lesson 3 Social Rules and Norms

    • World Citizen Core Level 1 Take-away Lesson 3 Social Rules and Norms

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 3 Social Norms HANDOUT

    • VIDEO: World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 4 The World Today

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 4 The World Today

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 4 HANDOUT

    • VIDEO: World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 5 Leadership Essentials

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 5 Leadership Essentials

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson 5 Leadership Essentials HANDOUT

    • VIDEO: World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson BONUS Leadership in Age of AI

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away Lesson BONUS Leadership in Age of AI

    • World Citizen CORE Level 1 Take-away BONUS Leadership in Age of AI HANDOUT

    • Declaration of Human Rights

  • 8

    Module 8: What comes next?

    • Module 8: Next Steps

    • Module 8: Supplemental 1 - What is the World Citizen Alliance

    • Module 8: Supplemental 2 - Who are World Citizen Alliance Partners & Supporters

  • 9

    Exam for Certificate of Achievement

    • World Citizen Alliance - Exam for Civility for World Citizen - Trainer

  • 10

    ADD ON - About Jessie Lin Brown Civility Society - Taiwan

    • About Jessie Lin Brown

  • 11


    • World Citizen Alliance Endorsement

Civility in Civility for World Citizens
Trainer Program Level 1

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