Our Mission:

We nurture World Citizens by facilitating learning that fosters respect, empathy, global awareness, civility, and 21st century competencies.

What is a “World Citizen”?

We are all citizens of the world.

As humankind, we are living and learning together in the ever-changing global village and classroom. By sharing our knowledge and our experiences, and by connecting and collaborating, we can build a better, brighter, and more civil world.

What is the “WORLD CITIZEN” Training Program?

The “World Citizen” concept provides an opportunity for people all around the globe to expand their world view, become continuous learners, challenge perceptions, embrace cultural differences, and learn about how civility, humanity, service, and kindness can ensure that each of us, our families, friends, co-workers, communities, and neighbors around the world, can live and learn about each other and about the incredible world around us. The World Citizen Certificate Programs offer an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to exhibit and to teach competencies required to be a World Citizen.

Our Programs

There are six certificate programs (see below) and four levels of certification offered in each knowledge area. Every program includes online and “live” online training, participant study materials, practice activities/homework, an exam, and take-away ready to use lessons. There are two categories of certificate programs: one for Trainers (people who will teach and train others) and one for General Public (people interested for personal development).

Certificates available:

  • Certificate for Children and Youth

  • Certificate for Civilized Service

  • Certificate in Civility for Business

  • Certificate for Civility in Leadership Roles

  • Certificate in Civility for World Citizens

  • SPECIALIZATION: Certificate for Global Teacher – Dual Certificate (includes Certificates for Children/Youth and World Citizen)