Affiliate Support
This is a toolkit of sources, supports and resources for civility trainers, ICTC members, Civility Center members and Civility Experts affiliates.
As organizations, corporations, communities and even countries are beginning to understand how critical the need is for civility, there is a growing demand for trainers and teachers in the field. As such, there is an increasing need to set international standards for best practices, for civility-related terms to be defined, and for practitioners to work together to establish clarity and credibility related to civility training credentials. ICTC's mandate to bring together practicing civility experts from all over the world to collaborate, exchange ideas, consult, and coach each other towards building a comprehensive resource of current, relevant, and culturally-correct civility training tools and curriculum that is applicable world-wide.
This is a toolkit of sources, supports and resources for civility trainers, ICTC members, Civility Center members and Civility Experts affiliates.
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