Course curriculum

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    Essential Skills for Human Resources at Work Certificate Program - Common HR Issues and Challenges

    • How to use the course platform

    • Common HR Issues and Challenges Introduction

    • Pre-Assessment - Essential Skills for HR at Work: Common HR Issues and Challenges

    • Preliminary Self Reflection Questions: Essential Skills for HR at Work: Common HR Issues and Challenges

    • Workplace Bullying. Lateral Violence and Harassment

    • What is discrimination?

    • The Different Between Bullying and Bossy Behaviour

    • Union Survey

    • Collective Bargaining

    • HR Policies in a Unionized Workplace - Please read and review

    • Collection Bargaining Discussion

    • Self-Assessment Instructions

    • Self Assessment - How do you prefer to deal with conflict?

    • Conflict Resolution Discussion

    • The Five Modes for Dealing with Conflict with a Focus on the First Mode: Avoiding

    • 2nd Conflict Mode - Collaborating

    • 3rd Conflict Mode - Compromising

    • 4th Conflict Mode - Competing / Forcing

    • 5th Mode and a Summary

    • Post Assessment - Essential Skills for HR at Work: Common HR Issues and Challenges

    • Questions/Comments?

    • Disclaimer