Course curriculum

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    Essential Skills for Human Resources at Work Certificate Program – Recruitment and Retention for High Performers

    • How to use the course platform

    • Recruitment and Rentention for High Performers Introduction

    • Pre-Assessment - Essential Skills for HR at Work: Recruitment and Retention for High Performers

    • Preliminary Self Reflection Questions - Essential Skills for HR at Work:-Recruitment and Retention for High Performers

    • Introduction Activity

    • Human Resource Planning

    • Human Resource Planning Options Discussion

    • Principles of Recruiting and Talent Management

    • Interviewing

    • 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Conducting Interviews Article

    • Five Key Elements of Active Listening. Please read and then leave a comment in the discussion box in the top right corner.

    • Active Listening

    • Employee Turnover And Engagement

    • 10 Employee Retention Resolutions

    • Onboarding Employees - Please download this fillable PDF

    • Tips for Onboarding Employees

    • The Connection Between Retention and Evaluations

    • Getting the Truth into Workplace Surveys

    • The Importance of an Employee Evaluation

    • Exit Interviews - Your Experience

    • 5 Common Mistakes Made During Exit Interviews

    • Exit Interview Article Link

    • Exit Interview Questions

    • Post Assessment - Essential Skills for HR at Work:-Recruitment and Retention for High Performers

    • Questions/Comments?

    • Disclaimer