Course curriculum

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    Transition to Leadership Certificate Program – Leadership Styles

    • How to use the course platform

    • Leadership Styles Introduction

    • Pre-Assessment - Transition to Leadership: Leadership Styles

    • Leadership Styles Opening Questions

    • Leadership Attributes

    • The Difference Between Management and Leadership

    • Peter Drucker On Leadership. Please download and read.

    • The Perils of Confusing Leadership and Management

    • 5 PowerPoint TL- Leadership Styles (1)

    • Leadership Self-Assessment

    • The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid. Print off and add your leadership style score.

    • Understanding the The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid

    • Optional Reading - Breakthrough in Organizational Development

    • Transactional and Transformational Leadership - an Introduction

    • Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership - Please read through and then complete the following assignment

    • Transformational Leadership

    • Transformational Leadership Report - Please scan through and read

    • Resource List

    • Reflective Questions - Transition to Leadership: Leadership Styles

    • Post Assessment - Transition to Leadership: Leadership Styles

    • Questions/Comments?

    • Disclaimer