Course curriculum

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    Transition to Leadership Certificate Program – Critical Thinking

    • How to use the course platform

    • Introduction to Critical Thinking

    • Pre-Assessment - Transition to Leadership: Critical Thinking

    • A Critical Thinking Riddle to Get Things Warmed Up

    • Different Types of Thinking

    • Different Types of Thinking - PDF

    • Lateral Thinking Strategies by Edward de Bono

    • Introduction to The Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono

    • The 6 Thinking Hats - PDF

    • Six Hats Activity - Small Expensive House Close to Everything, or Large Cheap House Far Away?

    • 8D Model of Problem Solving

    • The 8D Approach to Problem Solving

    • Sample Class Discussion Using the 8D Approach - "Employee has a personal problem with a Co-worker."

    • 8D Problem Solving Method Resource

    • 8D Problem Solving Worksheet Resource

    • Socratic Questioning

    • Socratic Questioning Reference Tool

    • An Example of Socratic Thinking

    • How Leaders Should Think Critically

    • Why Do Leaders Need to Think Critically?

    • Post Assessment - Transition to Leadership: Critical Thinking

    • Questions/Comments?

    • Disclaimer